By Christy Wilbert & Joe Corio

Are you helping your Medicare eligible clients to your fullest potential?

They need you more than you know. You are their life line in the confusing world of insurance, helping them find the best coverage and solutions to cover expenses and secure their life savings.

Meet Heather

Heather is turning 65 in three months, enrolled in Part A & B of Medicare, and retired with a set income. Over the years she has saved over $50,000 in a CD (Certificate of Deposit) at her local bank which she is excited to pass along to her children and grandchildren someday. Due to her set income, Heather has budgeted $60 a month to pay for an additional Medicare policy. She has diabetes and takes insulin daily. Five years ago, she had a knee replacement and will likely need the another in the future.

Heather's Problems

How You Can Help

Thinking outside the box will give you new ways to help your clients and set you apart from your competition, leading to happier clients and more referrals. A win-win!

Fill out the form below to download a sample of our e-book to find out how Annuities can benefit your clients and how to market them.