Aries Insurance Agent Services.


Aries Insurance Agent Services.


Aries Insurance Agent Services.A thin blue vertical line separating two logos.A division of URL Insurance Group.


In an industry of change, how do you remain focused?

In an industry of change, how do you remain focused?

Very few industries have experienced the changes that the health insurance segment has. In fact, my mantra was previously, "with change comes opportunity" and I still believe this. However, after so many years of change, there is a toll taken on motivation and the belief that improvements are ahead.

So, how do you stay focused with so many twists in the health insurance road?

1. Stay informed.

Knowledge is power. Your clients will appreciate, and rely on, you being in the know. Join a member group that has a similar focus on your industry of choice and supports your livelihood such as the National Association of Health Underwriters.

2. Stay focused on the goal.

If your goal is serving your clients, any change in the industry will not detract you from your goal. In fact, you serve as your clients' champions! Own it!

3. Don't get discouraged with the cause & effect cycle.

With the changes in legislation on the State and Federal levels, changes can have immediate adverse effects in rates, networks and plan options such as Health Savings Account qualified plans. These cycles need to be explained to your clients and anticipated (see #1, above).

4. Know your end game.

What segment of health insurance are you serving? I've had many agent partners move away from the under 65 individual/family markets because of the complexity of submissions and lack of compensation. However, if you use the individual/family markets to build your pipeline for Senior products, then you operate within certain parameters to meet that end goal. Identify your goals and use the industry changes to your advantage!

5. Don't get distracted.

I call this the Tom Petty rule because of the lyrics to his great song, "I won't back down." Sometimes, the willingness to keep up the fight is all it takes.

It's at the most challenging times that we dig deep within ourselves and prosper. Health Insurance industry challenges are no different. However, serving your clients well, identifying your goals and remaining committed will set you apart no matter what obstacles come our way.


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Saturday, 04 May 2024


